The Princess Cut Engagement Ring: A Modern Approach to the Traditions

Princess cut engagement rings
are stylish and quite the newcomers on the today's engagement ring scene. They’ve garnered fame for their stunning brilliance and fire. Discover this unique diamond, known for its attention-grabbing charm.

The princess cut is among the modern diamond cuts, especially when compared to the cushion and round styles that have origins dating back centuries. This beautiful cut was first developed in 1979. Its royal name 'princess' undoubtedly adds to its appeal. If you are looking to purchase a unique diamond for your engagement ring, a princess cut engagement ring offers a superb amount of beauty and brilliance.

It’s not very tough to understand the appeal of this beautiful diamond cut. Unlike emerald cut engagement rings that feature a step cut faceting style, the princess cut diamonds have a remodelled brilliant facet arrangement, contributing both electrifying sparkle and a robust and attractive shape.

Princess Cut Engagement Ring

How to Find the Right Diamond for Princess Cut Engagement Ring?
For the most attractive appearance, consider the diamond’s ration from length-to-width. In a square princess cut, this ratio cannot exceed 1.05:1. To be called as a rectangular princess cuts the ration should no go higher than 1.25:1.

Beyond the shape, symmetry influences the beauty of a princess cut stone. When observed from above, faceting must match on both the sides of its midpoint, both vertically as well as horizontally. The value of symmetry applies below the girdle too. When these diamonds are turned face down, the faceting and the shape of each side should mirror the opposite sides.

Princess cut diamonds are often set as classic solitaires to show off their attracting beauty. Side stones highlighting crisp, angular lines like baguettes or triangles can improve the appearance of a princess cut diamond. This cut adapts well to a broad variety of ring settings, though its straight forms seem a precise fit for contemporary diamond engagement ring styles.
When purchasing a princess cut engagement ring, it’s necessary to realise that its sharp pointed corners that contribute to the diamond’s bold geometry are also parts that are exposed to chipping. Picking a setting with four V-shaped prongs, a bezel setting or eight prongs with two at each corner will keep the edges save and preserve its original shape.


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